Friday, October 29, 2010

Callaway County Press Conference - October 27, 2010

About 8 minutes into my staff shift on Wednesday I got a phone call from my editor telling me I was going to Callaway County, MO for something dealing with the recent shootings. The University Hospital in Columbia had been on lock down for most of the day in connection to these shootings. I wasn't sure exactly what I was going to cover, so I threw everything I had into a bag, grabbed my camera, and ran downstairs to meet the reporter as he came by to pick me up.

In the car ride I found out we were just going to cover a press conference at the Callaway County Sheriff's Department concerning the shooting and a possible suspect. We barely got there in time and ran up to the conference and I immediately started photographing.

Missouri Volleyball vs. Kansas - October 27, 2010

This past Wednesday on shift I was able to photograph my first Big 12 volleyball game. It happened to be a big rivalry game versus Kansas, which took place at the Hearnes Center in Columbia, MO.

Being a volleyball player myself, I had a blast shooting this game. The crowd was pumped and I got to enjoy 2 hours of great volleyball while still doing my job.

These are some of the print images from that night, as well as a few of my favorite selects.